Thursday, August 4, 2011

Captured Evangelicals

David Sehat:  [Billy] Graham shilled for Nixon during the 1968 campaign but consistently denied that he played a political role, even after he allowed Nixon to address a crusade in 1970. Deflecting criticism of the choice months later, Graham offered an explanation that betrayed either naivete or cynicism: “I wouldn’t think that you’d call the president political.”

Graham would have regrets after the Watergate scandal. He had thought that aligning himself with power would advance the evangelical cause. With the release of a partial transcript of the White House tapes, however, Graham was crushed. He said later that when he saw the real Nixon — profane, vindictive and petty — he “felt like a sheep led to the slaughter.” No presidential candidate ever addressed a Graham crusade again. Rehabilitating his image as a nonpartisan adviser to commanders in chief, Graham offered prayers at the inaugurations of both George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. “The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it,” he said in 1981.

I remember reading a book regarding the black vote in America, and how the interests of the African-American population were disregarded by the Democratic party they so overwhelmingly supported.  Despite being a huge voting block that could swing elections, Democrats could afford to look the other way because African-Americans had no where else to go.  They certainly weren't going to become Republicans, and did not want Republicans to be in power, so what else could they do but vote for Democrats?

I have been wondering for a while now if there is a similar phenomena going on with the Republican party and Evangelical Christians.  However, when I think about it, I am not really sure what the interests of Evangelical Christians are.  There are certainly moral causes, but presidents can only do so much in those arenas.  The article above discusses money that G.W. Bush promised to faith based organizations, so is it that?  Maybe something to do with Israel?  

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