Wednesday, August 3, 2011

God is Calling Me to Post This

What do politicians mean when they say that God has "called" them to do something (ie. Run for the presidency, vote on legislation, eat pie)?

Without a doubt this question can be extended outwards towards all Christians, but lets stick to politicians for a second.

I see the following possibilities:

1.  God literally spoke to them in some sort of sensuous (of the senses, not sexual...lets hope) manner, be it audible voice, a vision, writing on a wall, or through someone else who experienced one of those things.

2.  They had a feeling, akin to how one might feel anger when they see a mistreated puppy, and it motivated them to do something.  Something like, "I saw a picture of an aborted fetus and I felt God was calling me to become pro-life."  Perhaps we can say an emotional type calling.

3.  They have convictions based in philosophies they attribute to their particular faith.  This is the "God loves children, and so we are called to support child education" type.

4.  They attribute circumstances in their life to being divine, such as if the current legislator in one's district suddenly died in a freak planking accident and the party head asked them to run, God is calling them to run.

5. "There's a lot of different ways to be called. My mother may call me for dinner. My friends may call me for something. There are people calling from all across this country ... and saying, 'Man, we wish you would consider doing this,'"
- Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R)


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