Monday, July 11, 2011

What Would Jesus Do About the Debt Ceiling? IDFK!

First Read: "Six months ago, how many Republicans would have believed: 1) that the Obama White House would have backed a plan to reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the next 10 years; 2) that the president would agree to link the debt limit to spending cuts; and 3) that Obama would put Medicare and Social Security on the table? The Tea Party and deficit hawks like Jim DeMint would have won the argument when it comes to debt, and they would have achieved something -- especially on Medicare and Social Security -- they'd probably never get under a Republican president, unless he or she had a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. But Republicans walked away from the deal, because they wouldn't give up the one thing that Democrats were asking for in return: any increases in tax hikes for the rich."

Source: Teagan Goddard's Political Wire

If you don't know what the acronym IDFK means, I can't help you.  Either way, you should know that I am not even going to attempt to answer that question.  I don't really know WJWD for most things that occur in my life.  Would Jesus take the Green Line to work or the bus?  Would Jesus go eat at Ribs N Bibs even though their employees are so mean?  Would Jesus pass gas in an elevator if he was in there alone?  I truly can't say.

With all the federal budget drama going on, encompassed nicely in this little paragraph above, I am inclined to wonder about how people of faith should respond to such things.  Implicitly, if you are Christian at least, this does have something to do with the question of what Jesus would do.  Today in a staff meeting, Protestant's for the Common Good Executive Director Al Sharp said something like (I can't remember anything anymore), "You cannot be religious without being political."  Lest Sam Harris have an aneurism, I don't think that statement is as simple as it sounds.  It is not Tim+Jesus=Ihatecloning.  It is something like that, but its more like Tim+(Overarching Life View)=Ihatecloning.

I certainly don't know what Jesus would do about the debt ceiling.  Quite honestly, he probably wouldn't have concerned himself with it.  But he is not Tim, and I am not Jesus.  But I do have an overarching life view, that involves Jesus, and I can't help but use that in thinking about What Would Tim Do About the Debt Ceiling (answer: I would drill domestically for oil).

Btw, I am almost certain Jesus would have no problem farting in an elevator.

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